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Documentary Photography Exploring Global Issues

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Net-Zero Transition


by Simone Tramonte

Facing the urgent climate crisis, Europe aims to reduce carbon emissions through technological innovation and the integration of sustainable practices.

Were Afghan Women to Unveil Their Tales

Were Afghan Women to Unveil Their Tales


by Valentina Sinis

A respectful and intimate look into Afghan women’s lives, showing what they experience in a difficult reality.




by Felipe Fittipaldi

An exploration of Afatona, a town struggling with environmental change and its community’s complex relationship with a disappearing landscape.

The Decline of the Sixth Continent

The Decline of the Sixth Continent


by Michel Groleau

A striking visual journey into the urgent global impact of Antarctica’s melting glaciers.

Stop the Coup

Stop the Coup

Massachusetts, United States

by Glenn Ruga

The American public rallies as the newly installed Trump administration unconstitutionally shuts down government agencies

One Landscape Divided Border Wall and Human Crisis

One Landscape Divided Border Wall and Human Crisis

United States and Mexico

by Laurie Smith

Laurie Smith challenges complacency about the United States/ Mexico border crisis.

Beyond the Lake

Beyond the Lake


by Carlos Folgoso Suerio

The stories of Galicia reflect the community's struggle to adapt and endure in the face of change.

The Doll Next Door

The Doll Next Door

Germany, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, and the UK

by Ludovica Limido

As technology advances, love dolls are on the brink of a new era—the rise of robot companionship.

Sparks from the Past

Sparks from the Past


by Vlad Dumitrescu

Romanian oxen are more than a practical part of rural life, they also evoke deep nostalgia, as many farmers have never known life without them.

Queer Resilience

Queer Resilience


by Laia Ros

In Kenya, despite restrictive and discriminatory laws, activists create spaces for queer expression.

Impact of War

Impact of War


by Patryk Jaracz

A long-form documentary on the impact of the war in Ukraine and its historic turning points over three years.

New Orleans Cultural Traditions

New Orleans Cultural Traditions

Louisiana, United States

by Charles Lovell

Rich in ceremony and ritual, New Orleans parades exuberantly express the right of Black Americans to publicly parade while preserving a vibrant cultural and artistic heritage.

Supporting Black Mothers

Supporting Black Mothers

Virginia, United States

by Karen Kasmauski

Photographer Karen Kasmauski explores midwifery across cultures and regions, bridging the past and present to empower women and improve maternal health.


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SDN Portfolio Review, April 5 
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Cristina Mittermeier

by Lauren Walsh

Christina Mittermeier is a photographer and activist who has dedicated her life to protecting the world's oceans.


Between Fears and Hope

By Fabrice Dekoninck

"Between Fears and Hope" by Fabrice Dekoninck tackles injustice, genocide, denial, and the ways in which the past seeps forward through generations—all through the lens of ongoing impact of the Bosnian war.


Manifest: Thirteen Colonies

By Wendel White

A body of artifacts gathered to retell the narrative and evolution of African American communities in America.


Rehab Eldalil

By Daniel Cohen

Rehab Eldalil is an award-winning documentary photographer, visual storyteller, and educator based in Cairo, Egypt. Her work focuses on the theme of identity explored through participatory creative practices.


We Cry in Silence

By Smita Sharma

“We Cry in Silence” brings out the intimacy with human trafficking survivors, inspiring empathy and reveals the psychological manipulation of the traffickers.

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